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Other translations from the Turkish opposition press on Israel’s offensive against Gaza

Other sample press translations from Turkish to English

The following article appeared in Evrensel on 3 May 2024. Translated from Turkish by Tim Drayton

Original article:

Turkey cuts off trade with Israel on day 208 of the Gaza assault

Turkey has announced that it is cutting off trade with Israel, which has maintained its assault on Gaza for 208 days.

Following 208 days, Turkey has announced that it is cutting off trade relations with Israel, which has been bombing Gaza for months.

With Israel’s assault on Gaza enduring since 7 October, the government in Turkey had been urged to end trade relations with Israel. The government has long maintained that there was no trade with Israel or even accused critics of continued trade with Israel of being “Mossad agents”.

Today, news initially broke in a Bloomberg News report in which it refers to two Turkish officials that Turkey had halted exports and imports with Israel. Following the report, the Ministry of Trade announced that the partial restrictions imposed on trade with Israel it had announced on 9 April had been revised to apply to all goods. Turkey has thus cut off trade with Israel on day 208 of the Gaza assault.

The following was included in the comment made by the Ministry:

“It is common knowledge that more than 35,000 Palestinians, 15,000 of them children, have by now lost their lives as a result of Israel’s assault on Gaza in breach of international law and human rights, while some 78,000 Palestinian citizens have been wounded.

Since 7 October 2023, Turkey has engaged in top-level endeavours and has used all diplomatic tools seeking to halt the conflict, prevent human loss and physical destruction, achieve a permanent ceasefire and bring about a two-state solution.

Our country rushed to the aid of the Gazan people from the outset and moved tens of thousands of tonnes of humanitarian aid into the region by ship and plane, chiefly food, health and medical aid materials, and has been at the side of our Palestinian brothers in these grueling days as it evacuated thousands of patients.

Nevertheless, the Israeli-orchestrated slaughter, humanitarian disaster and physical destruction has continued and the Israeli government has turned a deaf ear towards international ceasefire efforts and hindered humanitarian aid. Turkey consequently restricted the export to Israel of 54 product groups with effect from 9 April 2024.

It was emphasized in this decision that was taken that the restriction measures would remain in place until Israel immediately proclaimed a ceasefire in Gaza and permitted the adequate and uninterrupted flow of humanitarian aid. Despite this, we have witnessed the Israeli government maintaining its offensive stance and a worsening of the humanitarian tragedy in Gaza.

Consequently, the state-level measures have been moved to the second step and the processing of exports and imports with Israel has been halted with application to all goods.

Turkey will firmly and resolutely implement the said new measures until the Israeli government permits the uninterrupted flow of adequate humanitarian aid into Gaza.

On the other hand, coordination has been put in place between our Ministry of Trade and the Palestinian Ministry of National Economy to spare our Palestinian brothers, who are forced to live under occupation, from being affected by these restrictions.

The state of the Republic of Turkey will, as until now, continue to support our Palestinian brothers’ just cause.”


According to the Turkish Statistical Institute (TSI), trade between the two countries was worth 6.8 billion dollars in 2023 and Turkish exports made up 76% of this. Last month, export to Israel was restricted under a Ministry of Trade decision.

According to TSI March foreign trade statistics, exports to Israel had reached record levels since October 2023 in which conflict erupted before the decision to restrict exports to Israel the Ministry of Trade announced on 9 April. Exports worth 436.928 million dollars to Israel were conducted in March. Export figures from October 2023 until February 2024 stack up as follow: 347.868 million dollars, 319.207 million dollars, 429.054 million dollars, 349.481 million dollars, 422.059 million dollars and 436.928 million dollars.

There were also record-smashing imports from Israel in March. According to TSI data, goods and services valued at 167.305 million dollars were imported from Israel last month. Import figures from October 2023 until February 2024 stack up as follow: 98.717 million dollars, 122.253 million dollars, 101.244 million dollars, 140.887 million dollars and 120.774 million dollars.

Archive of Turkish press translations by Tim Drayton